Monday, September 30, 2013

Great blogs from my classmates!

•                Alexis Priestly
•                Ally McClain
•                Amber Kranc
•                Annabel Detering
•                Bailey Baird
•                Caitlin Schofield
•                Candice Merrill
•                Cristel Carlini
•                Elisse Cook
•                Emily Hayes
•                Erica Arguello
•                Hailey Patera
•                Haley Lucas
•                Heather Christensen
•                Janaya L. Johnson
•                Jenney Premont
•                Julie Moss
•                Kayleena Johnston
•                Kaylonnie White
•                Kelsey Lawrence
•                Kelsey Murphy
•                Kody Daffer
•                Krystal Palmer
•                Laura Hudgins
•                Madeline Vance
•                McKayla Nicole Hess
•                Michael Watts
•                Olivia Welch
•                Patrick Williams
•                Rachel Blaylock
•                Rachel Escobar
•                Sammi Scott
•                Tamara Handa
•                Tina Trepanier
•                Tod Flory

Saturday, September 28, 2013

A new kind of family

Has anyone noticed that families now are different than they were 20 years ago? Less people are getting married, divorce rates have risen, more children are born to single parent or cohabitating couples, and the age of people getting married has risen. The big question is, does this matter?
            Maybe we wont see the effects of theses  changes for a few years, although we will see them. Lets think about the children being born into these new kind of families. Children born in a traditional marriage will have better emotional and social health than those born into a non-traditional marriage. This is because they have a better change of having their financial needs met, stability in the home and both a father and a mother figure. What do you think? Does it matter if a child is born in a traditional marriage? Or as ABC has put it, “A new kind of family”?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Creating a stong family

First blog post!
Friends and Family,
This blog is going to be my thoughts and feelings as I am taking my FAML160 class. I will be reviewing what we go over in class, mainly the struggles and importance of families today. Please comment with your thoughts an insights throughout the semester!