Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Love, and Communication

Communication can be expressed in three different ways, Words, tone and non-verbal.
Did you know that even when we are not trying to communicate, we are communicating?  We have all felt the  non-verbal cues from others, that have great meaning. A look between two girls as a cute guy walks in the room. A group of friends sharing a look at a funny joke a teacher says. Or a married couple communicating with facial expressions when, someone is selling something at their door. Communication is not limited to Words, in fact, during the average day we use, 
14% of words
35% Tone 
51% Non-verbal

Words have the lowest percentage! What messages are you sending out to others? 
One way to send out positive messages with you body languages is to find someone that you admire, who you think is friendly and welcoming to everyone. Watch them! Try to observe how the move, when they move that makes others feel so comfortable.
Here are a few quotes that I found!

I speak two languages, Body and English. - Mae West

Not only is her body language revealing, but so are her silences, which I find remarkable for an actress. It's how she doesn't say things verbally that I find exceedingly communicative. - Laurence Kardish

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Family Crisis

Crisis in a family can be a positive experience, if the family has the has the correct resources and a positive response. The Chinese Symbol for Crises has two different Characters, one means danger and one means Crisis. 
Crisis can happen to any family, and is likely to happen to all families. It can be devastating or a opportunity to build the family. During a crisis, a family can lean on each other and work together to get thought the challenge. No one would understand as much as a family. 
  • Crisis happens to everyone, every family, sometime down the road. Here is a of the most common forms of a family crisis:
  • Death
  • Divorce
  • Deployment
  • Health Problems
  • The Question is, will it be a disaster for the family, or will it be an opportunity to grow?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Love, and Fidelity

Fidelity in Marriage

There are four types of infidelity; fantasy, visual, romantic and sexual. When one mentions infidelity in marriage, usually the first thing that comes to mind is sexual. However the most common is Fantasy Affair. 

Fantasy affair is an emotional affair with someone who has no knowledge about what is happening. Some examples of this include social net working, emails, and chat rooms. This could also apply to someone having an attanchment with a fictional character in a book.

The best way to avoid this in your marriage is to be fiercely Loal. 

Once there were three men each trying to secure a job as a teamster (wagon
driver). The freight company only wanted to have the very best drivers for their wagons, so they gave each potential driver a test. The test was to drive a wagon up a steep mountain road where one side of the road was a cliff. The first driver, eager to show his superior skills as a driver, drove the wagon up the road with the wheel of the wagon right on the edge of the cliff. The second driver was even more impressive; with great skill and dexterity he managed to drive the wagon up the road with half the wagon wheel teetering over the edge of the cliff! The third driver was not so talented and drove the wagon as far from the cliff as possible.
Who got the job? The third driver, of course.
Here are a list of ways to be loyal to your spouse,
  • Resist the desire to rescue an unhappy soul who pours their heart out to you. 
  • Don’t share the most painful things of your soul with an attractive alternative.
    This develops deep levels of intimacy. 
  • If a conversation makes light of marriage, respond with something positive about
    your own marriage. 
  • Discuss marital issues with your spouse. Work on the problems at home. If you do
    need to talk to someone else about your marriage, be sure they are a friend of the
  • Don’t have lunch or take work breaks with same person all the time. 
  • When you travel with a co-worker, meet in the public rooms, not in a room with a
  • If an old boyfriend or girlfriend is going to be at a class reunion, make sure you
    bring your spouse along. 
  • If you value your marriage, don’t do lunch alone with an old flame. 
  • Don’t try to be cute or “flirty” with anyone other than your spouse. 
  • Do not allow your heart to dwell on anyone. 

Infidelity is a suble process. Usually it does not begin with adultery, but with your thoughts!
Here is a great thought to remember:
The grass is greener.. on the side of the fence you water!