Saturday, March 25, 2017


Weekends at the Palmer home means laundry, bike rides, movies, family and pizza.
Today was extra special, with Finnleys dance competition and the general relief society meeting.
Finnley loves dancing! 
I hope to always support her. 
Help her find things she loves doing.
Life is so FUN
"Finn Fun" as Spencer would say. 

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Half a year!

Happy half a year little Aven!
We celebrated with a trip to the store for some baby food.
(First time going by myself with two kids)
Finnley was such a good helper,
she loved putting the items in the cart.
At home Aven sat in the high chair for the first time,

and tried a few bites of baby oatmeal.

She was not too sure about it,
 but guess who loved it??
 Finnley got her own bowl 
after sneaking bites.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Same Dress

The other day I pulled out the Finnleys six month clothes,
It brought back so many memories of her. 
This green dress was one of my favorites!
I remember taking this picture
I took so many pictures,
 90% of them where blurry 
she was always moving! 
She is full of energy and life. 

I put Aven in the same dress
her picture was easy to take.
She is more sensitive and calm.
Already they are so different.