Monday, December 2, 2013

Love, and Parenting


The important role of being a parent is getting lost in todays society, Couples are having less children and having them at a older age.

Here are some trends with parents
 - Choosing not to have children, it is increasing
-Birth Control
- Abortion, Russia it is common to have three on average
-Delaying having children
-Fewer Children
-Parenting not being seen as a virtue
-parents are less involved. Schools are now teaching

What is the role of parents? Here are a few ideas that my class came up with
Purpose of parenting
- Teach children social Norms
-Develop emotional skills
_Fathers to presided and provide
_Nurture the Children
- Prepare parents for eternal life
-Set an example
Does it matter how many children we have?
Many people say that on average from birth to 18, parents will spend about 270,000 on a child. Does this number seem fishy to anyone else. Is it really more expense to have 5 kids opposed to 3 kids? You sets that number? Is it possible that the sellers at different compartments set this number? They will definitely have an agenda! This number could also scare people away from having children. In America, we see the the number of kids someone has and think, wow that must be expensive, they must be struggling. In class, one lady is from Samoua, and the more kids you have the more wealthy you are considered.

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