Monday, October 21, 2019

Weekend Trip

The weekend trip to Vernal was filled with Grandpa’s special milkshakes and quality grandparents.
A few of my favorite memories 
  • ‘Halloween Church’ with Grandma at the care center. It was neat to watch her ministering to the people there, and fun to see the Halloween decorations around the room. 
  • Petroglyphs at McMonkie Ranch. Though every single one of the kids cried on the way back, I was in absolute awe at the ancient artwork. 
  • Ev learned to crawl! I laugh because it was probably all the new and interesting things to see at grandmas house. 

‘Gratitude to our Heavenly Father broadens our perceptions and clears our vision.’ Elder Uchtdorf

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Aven Turns 3

Aven Louise Palmer
How is she already three?? 
Here are a few of my favorite things about Aven.

How she says “I love you Mama” all the time.
Afternoon naps together with a big blanket. 
The BEST babysitter for Everett. 
Loves to give hugs and kisses.
She love rainbows, babies and Bobby (the blanket).
Quesadillas are her absolute favorite food.
The classic Aven glare in pictures.
Watching her speed along in her little red car.
Quick to apologize.
Always willing to try new foods.
Eagerness to say nighttime prayer.
How she says ’Finwey’
Checking in throughout the day to make sure everyone is ok. 
She is just what our family needed.
Just what I needed,
Heaven sent.
My angel.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Grotto

It has been so nice to jump back into exploring the mountains with the cool air and fall leaves. I want to remember all the trail blazer tiffs, PB&Js, scuffed knees, dirty hands, fairy homes, and pink crunchy leaves. 

Lessons from this jumping picture 
1. Never do a jumping picture first. The girls would not stop jumping for the normal picture.
 2. Never jump with a baby attached.  I’m pretty sure Everett’s head almost broke my nose.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Pumpkin patch

Pumpkin patch visit tonight included petting zoo, a giant slide, bonfire, sunset, watching the moon coming over the mountains and hot chocolate. Oh yeah and 
We are all excited for fall.
I love how Aven points out every time she sees a leaf fall. 
Finnley brought home a paper plate painted orange like a pumpkin from preschool. 
She was so proud to put it in the window.