Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Palmer Farm

There is always something fun to do on the Palmer Farm. We love to pet the dogs
meow with the cats
cuddle with Grandma
play wits and wagers
target practice
video games
Studio C
endless Star Wars debates
play with the cousins and chat with Great Grandma
ride the new trike
take pictures and
nap by the fire.

Time seems to slow down, and everything is warm and cozy.
I love seeing my girls here, and I know they love being on the farm. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Eve Eve

All day was spent cleaning and packing for our Christmas trip in Hepper.
Toss in the laundry
Make oatmeal for breakfast
pull out the suitcases
change a diaper
clean the butt paste off  Finns face
Aven is crying, rock her to sleep
Switch the laundry
Finn wants to read books together
Aven is awake
Pack diapers and wipes
Aven is hungry again
She is crying 
Finnley is crying ..

Its 11pm and we walk into out hotel room, all tired. I told Spencer we need a giant bed like this.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Aven Louise

Happy three months little Avie! Three months ago she turned us into a family of four, tripled our diaper needs and made Finnley a big sister. She is my tender mercy, the miracle baby born with a horse shoe kidney. Aven loves to swing, talk and be snuggled in a warm blanket.

My favorite thing is the smile she gives as a pick her up in the morning and the sleepy eyes, with relaxed trusting body as she falls asleep in my arms. 

We celebrated with a warm bubble bath, lots of slobbery kisses and "smash hugs."

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

One of these days we will be on time

Saturday we opened the big box my Mom sent us for Christmas. We had a fun morning with the girls, opening presents over Skype with my parents. Finnley tore off little pieces of wrapping paper, slowly one at a time. Each time she tore off a little piece, she would hold it up high above her head and smile. 
 We had to help her when she got tired.

Sunday was our first day without Kysa. We almost made it to church on time. Right as we were headed out the door, I discovered a major blowout that required
One bath
Two outfit changes.

 Finnley got into my makeup while waiting. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw her cute little face.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Tonight Finnley and I bundled up. Hats, puffy jackets, boots and a flashlight. She has been dying to go outside all day. 
I carried her to the park as she pointed her flashlight at the things we passed. It was cold, and dark but she loved it. Finnley would spend all her time outside if she could.
I cannot wait for her to experience camping for the first time next summer. 

These buddies found matching cut out Christmas vests for their work party. We used a hot glue gun to assemble the different parts. I love that they are becoming the best of pals. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

When Finnley was born I thought we were going to be best friends. Go to the movies, shopping, and have tons of inside jokes. 

Today Finnley used baby sign to tell me that she was hungry. She then took Avies small, tightly closed fist and helped her also make the sign for eat. More than anything I want them to be best friends, to love and look after each other.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Unmet Expectations

One can still have joy, even on the bad days.
 We didn't meet all our expectations for the day. Toys still cover the floor, dirty dishes piled in the sink, laundry still waiting to be folded, bike parts have taken over the kitchen and only five fingernails are painted. 

This picture sums up our day perfectly,
we are so tired and somehow she is still awake. 

My highlight today was blancing giant legos on my head with Finnley and then helping her quickly tuck them up Spencers shirt. 
She laughed and laughed, 
we both did. 

"That’s it! Saints can be happy under every circumstance. We can feel joy even while having a bad day, a bad week, or even a bad year!

My dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives." -Elder Nelson

Friday, December 9, 2016

Mom Mom Mom MOM

Finnley has started to say "Mom", 
and I absolutely LOVE IT! The first time I noticed she was sitting at the table coloring, while I rocked little Avie in the rocking chair. 
Then again while we were playing at the park. She was trying to get off the bench without touching the fluffy white snow. "Mom mom mom mom mom mom mom HELP"

Finnleys favorite thing to sleep in, Spencers old T-Shirts. She cried when I took it off her this morning. She also likes taking books with her for nap time. Sometimes I can hear her reading to herself. 

Spencer planned the date for tonight. This is our two story ginger bread dream home. 
My favorite part was eating it.

This song has been going through my head all day, it has really touched my heart.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Last night the power went out around 10pm and didn't come back until 3am. Our cozy apartment quickly became cold,
it was in the negatives outside!

I piled the blankets high on our bed. Finnleys room is already the coldest in the apartment. We were worried that she would freeze without the heater going, she is always moving in her sleep. The blankets never stay on. 
With care we tucked her in bed between Spencer and I. Oh boy it was a rough night. At one point I remember waking up to see her tiny little body covering both our pillows. 

Spent the day playing with our favorite cousin, fun baby Zhenya

Our neighbor friend moves in just a couple of weeks. He will be greatly missed. 
They love playing at the park together, going down the slide is there favorite thing. 

My toddler has a thing for shoes

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December Goal

 I have been trying to follow along with the 'Light the World, 25 Days of service' advent calendar the church has put up this month. It has been a great way for me to look outside myself and set goals.  
Today's challenge was focused on the scriptures. Spencer and I have set a goal for the month of December to read every morning together at 7am. On a typical morning we read together if we have time before he is rushing out the door, which if I'm being honest is hardly ever. 
Actually I can't remember the last time we read together!

I also love "special bookmarks". This is a picture of my Mom and I a couple of years ago visiting the Idaho Falls temple. 

Let's not sugar coat anything, today was a rough one. Little Avies acid reflux was bothering her all day, and my toddler was more than a little restless. 

If it were not for Kysa we would all be running around half naked and fully starved. She is my Angel and will be dearly missed when she starts school next month.

This quite moment under the light of the Christmas tree only lasted a moment, but somehow it made everything worth it. 

I live for these moments.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Christmas concert at BYU Idaho is one of my favorite things.This year David Archuletta and Nathan Pacheco came! There were many jokes made about Kysa getting married to David Archuletta.She has a crush on him.

 After dropping Aven off with my brother and sister in law, I picked up Kaleb to watch Finnley. The traffic was crazy! We decided to park further away, and just hike down. 
The concert was fantastic! I left feeling uplifted and happy.
My favorite songs were "Glorious"and "The Prayer"

Friday, December 2, 2016


I sure do love my parents. My Mother has taught me to be patient and kind. Always cheering and encouraging me to be my best self. Mom stayed with me each time I have had a baby. Cleaning, cooking, shopping and being my Nexflix partner. I will always cherish the time she spent with me.
 Popcorn is pretty great too. He has taught me the value of working hard and service.  When he visited this summer he hung all my pictures painted my walls and got me "another one of those" ice cream from Dairy Queen.  
The best thing in the world has been watching them play with my babies. 
They are lucky girls
And so am I.


Thursday, December 1, 2016


Today I spent hours cleaning and reorganizing the pantry. What a great feeling. Finnley helped by sampling anything she could open, which happen to be the nuts, chex and pretzels.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Today was the first time Finnley has ever worn snow pants. She looked so cute and squishy, I wish she could wear them everyday.
My hot husband and I went on a mini date. An emergency run to the grocery store to get glycerin suppositories for our poor baby. Despite dreading the whole process and feeling bad for our little Avie, I loved the one on one time. 
It was a good day.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Southern Oregon

For Thanksgiving my little family braved the 14 hour car ride to visit my parents in Oregon. It ended up being a 16 hour drive counting all the nursing and play ground stops.
 One of the greatest joys of being a parent has been introducing them to the places and people I love. Last week was full of special memories.
 Walking with Finnley to the old bus stop to see the cows, her helping my mom sprinkle chocolate chips on the pancakes, or rake leaves with my Dad. Sweet little Aven's favorite thing was sleeping my Moms warm, protective arms.         

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sticky Fingers

The bank doesn't open until 9a.m. We were 30 mins early. Luckily for us there is a local donut shop just around the corner :)
"Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family." Thomas S. Monson

Just Like Kysa

Having my sister Kysa stay with us has been the best choice ever. She is happy and helpful, with the sweetest spirit. 
Finnley absolutely loves having her around. Everything Kysa does, she wants to do also. 
 Just like Kysa!
"Our opportunities to shine surround us each day, in whatever circumstance we find ourselves." Thomas S. Monson

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Braithwaite Family

Thank you for:
Always inviting our little family over for dinner
Letting me borrow Jamies maternity clothes 
Letting us help with a 1000 piece puzzle of the temple
Helping my husband find and internship, and letting him drink the soda in the little fridge
Letting us "house/dog sit" at your home, which was really like a vacation for us!
Visiting us in the hospital when Finnley was born
Staying with us the first night we brought her home and waking us up to nurse
Showing me how to nurse!
Taking Spencer across the country to a web/design conference 
Convincing the sales man to lower the price of the rocking chair
Hosting the dinner for Family the day before the baby blessing
Coming to Finnley's baby blessing
Inviting us to come play
Letting us go tick-or-treating with you
Picking me up from Rexburg for play dates
Letting me nap downstairs while Finnley played
Doing my art homework with me
Showing us that zucchini can substitute noodles in lasagna
Talking nerd with Spencer, advising and letting him help with projects
Watching Finnley overnight so I could go to the tough doctor appointment, sleep and attend the temple
Showing us how much fun a BIG family can be
And for being our friends!
I am forever grateful the Braithwaite family made the big from Vegas to Idaho two years ago!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Bubbles in the Sink

 I have noticed that as Finnley grows, the time I have to prepare meals shrinks. Last night I had planned a healthy coconut lime chicken soup, but ended up with a bake-n-bake pizza. 
This morning I filled the sink with water, bubbles and toys while I made breakfast. 
She had a blast!
It took twice as long getting the meal in the oven! I found myself pausing repeatedly to watch her play and discover. Time is slippery in the Palmer home!

"Refuse to be idle & have these quickly passing days without substance or meaning or progress." Al Fox

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Friend

Finnley is 15months.  
She can find a friend anywhere we go.
 Friday it was the group of girls watching the frisbee game.
 On Saturday it was the guy bagging the groceries at Broulims. 
Sunday it was the 6ft man walking down the hall at church. 
Yesterday it was the little girl also waiting in the doctors office. 
She has been leading me through her example since the day she was born. So full of energy and acceptance. 
Mosiah 2:4 "..That they might rejoice and be filled with the love towards God and ALL men."

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

While making dinner

 Finnley is fussing at the baby gate. I can tell she is as tired and hungry as I am. I hand her a piece of the red bell pepper I had just cut for dinner. She eagerly accepts. watching me with those big brown eyes. I pick her up, holding her close. The song "Letting Go" by Paul Cardall comes on the Pandora station.(Click here to listen )
We swirl around the kitchen. I can hear her happily crunching the snack and feel her little warm body against mine. I realize that she must be getting bigger because she is getting so much heavier. By the time I put her down, we have matching pepper juice spots on our clothes.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Tropics

 Today it snowed again. Snow has always had a special place in my heart. I remember the day I found out President Hinkley had passed away. Youth around the world wore Sunday best to school in remembrance of him. It was snowing that day. It reminded me of his life and purity.  It snowed the day I married the love of my life. The day Finnley was born it was also snowing. 

BUT I have been looking forward to warm summer days. For our date this week we used watercolor to paint a beautiful tropical mural on our fridge. The idea came from Elder Scotts talk.  (https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2011/04/the-eternal-blessings-of-marriage?lang=eng)

When I stand back and squint my eyes it looks a little like the picture. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

I wish I could see into the future. 
The memory of Spencer hanging this hen yesterday is one I already cherish. If it had gone my way, that hen would be in a box. Ready for the big move. But it is hanging in the kitchen, reminding me of 1. My husbands patient love and 2. To be happy in the now.

3 Nephi 10:4

  • Book of Mormon
"...how oft have I gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and have nourished you." 

Saturday, January 16, 2016


Mornings are my favorite. 
The quite stillness, brings peace into my heart. Spencer is often at the gym or class, the baby will sleep until 9am. I shower, get ready for the day then cuddle up in a warm blanket and read. Time flies and soon I can hear Finn. She is awake. I wait just a little longer to get her, savoring the sweet chatter and giggles.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Baby Steps

 I always look forward to setting new goals/commitments. It combines two of my favorite things. Lists and planning. This year my commitments quickly grew into a long list. Things I wanted to do, things I wanted to change and things I wanted to work on. Quickly I became overwhelmed. 
Finnley just took her first few steps a couple days ago. It didn't happen all at once. First she had to sit up by herself, crawl, and learn balance. Accomplishments wont happen all at once, it comes in baby steps.